Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday wishes!! (v.3)

Another week and another list of wishes.... *sigh*

1. to feel 100% better from the bug I got this past weekend. I'm still having a hard time eating regular foods :(

2. the perfect boots (again). I found some via, but sadly (since I couldn't buy shopping during lent) they are already sold out. Boooo! BUT I did find some cute ones on the ALDO site; however, my computer is not allowing me to view much of it right now...strange (or perhaps it's trying to save me from the shopping bug)

from ALDO shoes

3. some pretty stationary so that I can really dive head first into the pen pal project. I'm sooo excited to start and really get to know these fabulous women I read about/talk to via their blogs.

4. this pretty mini book made by this fabulous gal

or this by Meg

found at her shop here.
Aren't they soooo awesome?!?
5. To finish selling these darn krispy kreme donuts. I only have 2 days left and 3 dozen left to sell!! I can't wait until it's over though, this has been a difficult fundraiser for me.
What are you wishing for this week?? Do share!!!
And remember, you can either leave comments here or start your own Wednesday Wishes feature with us!!
Now, go check out Courtney's list, Katie's list, and Liz's list!! You'll be glad you did. :)
Have a happy St. Patty's Day loves!!!!!


  1. Thanks for the love, Kel! I'll definitely have to go make a wish list now...

  2. I have no idea what I'm wishing for this week, because I got my wish with temperatures in the 70s all week! HOWEVER, I'm definitely loving those record book-ends and books... SO cute.

  3. Geez Kel,
    That must be some bug that you got. I hope you are resting as much as possible and letting yourself heal. Boo for losing the perfect boots, but the ones you found on Aldo are really cute too.

  4. I'm feeling ya on #2 & #3! I love finding pretty stationary. But I think that when I'm actively searching for some, I never really find what I'm looking for. So I tend to just stock up when I do randomly find them ;)

  5. sorry you've been feeling sick! if you had whatever bug it was that we had here, i definitely feel your pain! hope you're feeling better. :)
    i've been on the lookout for cute stationery too. i'm so excited to send/get letters!


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