Tuesday, March 16, 2010

fact tuesday (v.10)

I decided to put a little spin on my "fact tuesday" post this week......

And remember that you can ask me random (and anonymous) questions (theres a place to do it on the right side of my blog!!) via form spring (yesyes, i signed up too). If I ever do get any questions there, I'll answer those on my fact tuesday posts. So start asking away!!

So, 5 random things about me... (with pictures...oh dear)
-I've lived in Florida all my life

- I became an aunt in the 4th grade
me with my aunt and mom (and yes a real tiger)

- My parents separated when I was in 7th grade

(my friends and I in middle school...can you find me?)

- My dad passed away on my first day of 9th grade

me and my friends at lunch (9th grade year). can you find me--this one is harder.

- I got my first boyfriend when I was in 11th grade
(this was my prom picture-i went with my 2nd bf)

What grades stick out for you?? Do share!



  1. hi Kellie! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your great comment! I am sorry to hear about your dad~ I know it is so very hard. I would love to email sometime and talk~ my email is tiffb123@yahoo.com ~~ I am now following your blog! I'd love to keep in touch! :) Thanks again for taking the time to check my blog and comment! It means so much!!
    ~Tiffany :)

  2. Thank you so much for the sweet comment you left on my blog. It really did help. thank you :)

    Also, I love love your fact Tuesday! I had a few grades stick out for me too, one was the 9th grade when I had to get my braces on >.< ew



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