Wednesday, April 7, 2010

lanterns, candles, and birdcages oh my!!!

I've been searching the internets (inside joke....) a lot lately for some inspiration. I wanted to update my patio and I haven't been sure of what to do with it. It's kinda small, always getting dirty (thanks to being located so close to a busy road) and just blah. Maybe I've been watching too much HG tv, but I feel it needs some life and color.
So I weheartited some things that might help it out. (lanterns, candles, birdcages, etc.) Anything to give it color.

What do you think.....??

pretty right????

Do you have any ideas??
love, kel


  1. Soooo pretty! I hope that you do this! It's a great idea. I would suggest doing in all in one color or a variation of one color (if you go green do mint, forest, kelly etc...)

    I hope you get to do this!

  2. I love the lanterns. My favorites are the ones that look like stars. The bird cages are an awesome idea too. I never would have thought to do something like that. I hope you post pictures when you redecorate it.

  3. ooooh.. the forst picture of birdcages is my fave!

  4. oooooooo I love them all!!! Hard to choose!

  5. thanks courtney! hm...ill have to think about what color. that's an awesome idea. i think thats why i start to get annoyed with my room is because i choose too many colors and it becomes too much.
    i will take pictures when i redecorate! which im hoping i'll actually get to do soon!!

  6. Geez I like them all!!! The tin lanterns are wonderful, they'd be great with candles in them!!

    I live in Tampa :) how are you loving this weather!!perfect!
    I really enjoy your blog ps!!

  7. This is pretty, it makes me think about my upcoming wedding (there will be lanterns all over the place)


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