Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday wishes

another wednesday, another list of lovely things that i want so badly to add to my home. :)

1. this pretty journal, found here, made by the lovely janel (whose blog i just stumbled upon :) yay!)

2. this cute mug, found here (recognize where the quote is from??) :)

3. more milkglass vases like these:
found here

found here

4. a sock monkey!!

like this one found here

or this one, monty found here

5. one of these pretty prints! (by my blogger friend Liz)

found here

found here

6. blue glass jars like this one

found at

7. a coffee cozy like this one, found here

8. a pretty key necklace like this one, found here

9. these cute owl studs, found here

(all, but one found via etsy)
I'm really happy to say that a lot of items from my previous wish lists I've found: warm weather, pretty pink nail polish that so far hasn't chipped (well too badly anyway), and cowboy boots (just to name a few)!!!!
Now go check out Katie's, Courtney's, and Liz's Wednesday Wishes lists!!!
And you should join us in our wednesday wishes blog posts!!!! Just ask Courtney for the image (or Liz for her's) and post in our comment section the link to yours so we can start following!!!!!
:) hope you're having a wonderful wednesday!!


  1. love love this post!! I have that coffee cozy too!! so awesome :)

  2. You so need to start collecting sock monkeys. They definitely put a smile on your face! Also I love the blue jars and milk glass vases. Those vases remind me of my grandma. She had several in her house.
    Happy Wedneseday!

  3. Aawww, Thanks Kel! You are 2 sweet! And yes, I'd be more than happy to offer my Wednesday wishes image for anyone who wishes (hehe) to join us every week!

  4. i LOVE that mug! i've been wanting it for so long, and for some reason i've just never bought it. lol
    what i really want is to find some porcelain pens and make one myself...
    okay, so i'm totally going to start doing wednesday wishes too. so fun! :)

  5. I saw that journal on Janel's blog and it is calling my name too. I think the illustrations are so fun.

    Also, I saw your new boots and they are rad!


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