Monday, May 17, 2010

5 loves on monday

hello, hello, hello!!!
in my internet browsing, which includes blogs,, flickr, etc. I found these cute things that make my heart very happy today. hope they warm yours too!!!!

1. this adorable photo

2. these yummy things:

we've been eating a lot of these at youth group now that it's in the 90's outside

3. this saying

4. doily projects

the 2 above diy doily projects found on strumpetscrumpets blog

this doily diy project found on one pearl buttons blog

5. online art & craft classes, like this one:

go here to sign up!!! hurry before its too late

<3 kel

ps and dont forget tomorrow im answering formspring questions, so if you have any...ASK!!


  1. Mmmmm I love freezie-pops! And the teddie bear picture is adorable!!!!

  2. book lovers never go to bed alone! i love that!!!

  3. 1) That pic is adorbs!

    2) Those freeze pops are the jam! I have a bunch in my freezer already.

    3) Totally trying out that doily project. Love it.


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