Monday, May 17, 2010

more changes

My weekend went by a bit too fast for my liking (it usually does). It was good though and packed...

-work (ick!!!)
-girl night (i made dinner for the girls and i and we went out for a drink or 2)
-i watched a ton of Greek. (its sad i know, but im obsessed with that show!)

-breakfast at the best place in jax (Metro Diner) with a good friend and caught up
-went to a wedding (reception had amazing food, cupcakes, and free bar! woo!!!)
-went out with some friends
-picked up the boy and his friend from the airport
-got rid of the cat ive been cat sitting for the boys bff (who has been a large pain in the ass, but i tried to keep in mind that the cat had been a stray for 3 years prior....long crazy story!!)

-got ready for our youth yard sale (next Saturday!!!)
-roommate moved out!!
-lazied about the house and watched movies and ate cake. (yes im the worst eater EVER)
-saw and hung out with some of my favorite people (including my mom)

work, work, work, work.
oh yes and I have the 5 loves monday post (don't worry i'll be posting it soon!)

How was your weekend??

And thanks everyone for the movie recommendations!! i'm loving them and adding a lot of them to my netflix queue!!! keep on posting your favorites, i love learning about new movies (or new to me).



  1. My weekend was okay. Saturday I saw Iron Man 2 which I enjoyed. Most of the weekend was spent indoors on the computer or inside a book.


  2. inside with a book sounds good to me!! how was Iron Man 2?

  3. My husband and I are addicted to Greek too!! It's been a while since we watched it though. And cake sounds delicious! I like to think the weekends are for eating terrible.

  4. my weekend was crazy busy!! I got your letter today!!! :D :D :D
    Ill be writing you back this week!! loves ya!


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