Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I demand too much. But maybe that's just because I'm afraid that if I don't, I won't get anything at all.....
(and no I am not referring to gifts or anything of the sort..... just to clarify)

Does anyone else ever feel this way? Maybe I am just asking too much....


  1. i feel like i do too. i feel like i expect a lot out of people because i feel like i give a lot. your not alone my friend!

  2. I feel like it alot, but then a realise, maybe im not asking to much, the world is just expecting to little.

  3. i guess it depends what you're demanding. i think i do as well, sometimes without realizing that i am doing it. which is the most dangerous. often of myself too, i'm my worst critic.

  4. I feel the same way. I don't feel like I have very much faith in other people and so I have to demand more to get the basics. Which is unfortunate when you think about it...

  5. Life is too short! Don't settle for less than you deserve! :) you deserve every happiness! :)

  6. You are not alone... I also feel I have moments when I even demand too much of myself. I can't keep up with it all... but I try, and fall flat.


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