Wednesday, May 5, 2010

wednesday wishes (on my birthday!!)

happy cinco de kellie everyone! (and yes i am actually calling it that. i think im entitled, since today is my birthday, don't you????)

First off, thanks everyone for the warm birthday wishes. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends (both here thanks to blogland or anywhere else). Thank you everyone for making today more special!!!!

Ok, but enough about that..... here are some things I'm really wishing for this week!!!

1. some inspiration!!!! and motivation
yesterday i went to hobby lobby and got a few more things to add to my patio, although i can't start decorating until i clean and get rid of crap.... im trying to get my entire place together and finally cleaned and decorated, but im having some trouble staying motivated and inspired..... which is why i found myself perusing the internet....
i actually found some darling things that i think have pushed me somewhat in the right direction....

from urban outfitters:



from etsy:

found here.

found here.

found here.

found here.

found here.

found here.

found at anthropologie:

2. cupcakes!!!!!!!
that is my favorite part about birthdays, by the way! :)
Don't forget to check out Katie, Courtney, and Liz's wednesday wishes lists!!! And please feel free to join us anytime!! Just link us in the comment section to your post so we can share in the fun!!!!
I hope yall are having a wonderful cinco de mayo! Party it up!!! :) And stay safe.
love a million times over,

1 comment:

Your comments brighten my day. And I promise, while I may not respond to every one of them, I read every single on of them.
Thanks for stopping by. :)