Wednesday, May 19, 2010

wanna know a secret??

not having a good night.... :(
this is all i can think about.........



  1. I think about this sometimes too- just like Enid from Ghost World- just get on a bus without telling anyone and disappear. I snap out of it but day dreaming about it can make you feel better.
    I hope you cheer up though!

  2. Run away to AZ. I will give you a big hug and make you a cup of tea.
    Sorry you are having a bummer of a night.

  3. you are always welcome to Utah! Visit any time you would like! Seriously!!!! :)
    Hope you are doing ok!

  4. Run away to Southern Illinois!!! ;) We would have a blast!
    Hope you feel better! Big hugs to you! xoxo

  5. summer's almost here! it's time to get away. go somewhere, do something, get out of the funk!

  6. aw you guys rock!! can i run away to each of your places and stay for like a day or 2? then you wont get sick of me!! :) hehe but thanks. im ok, just stressed and feeling let down/hurt from someone close to me.... boo!

  7. I'm sorry you're feeling down Kel. If you're planning on going away come stop by me! It's a hard thing to face sometimes that the people you care for most can let you down.


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