Wednesday, May 19, 2010

wednesday wishes

this week i am wishing for.....

1. new sunglasses

in the past 2 weeks i've lost 3 pair sof sunglasses in the cruelest of ways..... perhaps i should be more careful....

2. for youth events to come together....we have a yard sale this saturday and a lock in next friday...ekkkkk!!! im really nervous about all the pre-sale work

What do you wish for?? Feel free to join the Wednesday Wishes feature-- just post a link to yours in the comment section so we can all follow along!! :)

Don't forget to check out Katie's, Liz's and Courtney's!

much love,


  1. thanks a lot for following me back!
    as for the bag that u asked it is from H&M but I bought it last year so I don't really know if u can find it now...too bad cause i love it and its very useful!

    Anne xxx

  2. Girl how on earth did you manage to break 3 pairs in one week?

    and whats a lock in?


  3. thanks annie!!

    alyssa- haha i have NO idea how i broke so many in only 2 weeks... one i always keep in my purse and im rough on my purses, so i understand that; however, the other was just sitting in my car... and the last one- the lenses just always always fall out

    a lock in is typically an event held for youth/kids. roller rinks use to have them too, but its kinda a common bonding thing that churches do for their students. our church is having one for the high schoolers. theyll get there after school/work on friday night and well have pizza and watch movies and stay up almost all night, then they try to sleep a bit, and wake up and go home saturday around like noon.... so it'll be tons of exhausting!! lol

  4. i'm VERY sad that you broke the brown glasses :( This just means that we need to go shopping for another set of matching sunglasses. lol.

    P.S I went to Michael's and bought a paint by numbers because you wrote about wanting one about a week ago.. i think. i started it, and i'm determined to have it come out awesome!

  5. kimster- i did!! and im jealous youre already starting and i havent!! haha
    but heres another one for you to do, I HAVE TO DO THIS!!!:

  6. I wish for eternal happiness! :) Good luck on your yard sale! And the answer to your question, I live in NY but I'm moving soon for college!


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