Monday, June 14, 2010

5 loves on monday

Morning loves!
I hope your Monday is treating you well so far. I can't believe it's another week already... but here are a few things to make you swoon and put a giant ole' smile on your face.

5 things I am in love with right now:

1. totes and other cute bags
i think it's perhaps that summer is here i just feel the need to add to my tote bag collection!

found here

found here

found here

found here

the 2 tote bags above (from

2. this adorable jumper

found here

3. this idea, this group, this sticker and the creater of both (such amazing ladies)
ok, so if you haven't heard of this challenge or seen these oh-so adorable stickers, then you are completely missing out! the lovely janel is doing a 30 day journaling challenge, which starts TODAY!! i'm so excited. and the lovely ms. courtney has created stickers for those particiapting, which you can find and buy here.
so if you haven't accepted the challenge or bought the stickers what are you waiting for???? :)

4. camera jewelry

found here

found here

5. floral dresses

(all of which found at
i want them all :)
What are you loving right now? Do share! :)


  1. That jumper and those floral dresses are so precious! I must have one haha<3

  2. I am loving YOU today!! I just got your mix CD, thank you SO much. It was so thoughtful of you. Im jamming out right now to it!! I got you a little something today, when it arrives Ill send it to you right away!!! I am so excited for you to get it!!!
    loves ya! thanks for being an amazing friend :)

  3. Ok, so I NOT the only one who hoards tote bags? Awesome!
    I have so many that its ridiculous!
    That camera necklace...yum.
    I love your lists of beautiful things! It makes me feel in the loop without having to search the internet for prettyness.

  4. Um, love love love those floral dress. Perfection. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. i love the owl tote and the dress with the belt!
    Great choices!

  7. I love those floral dresses! I wish I could own all of them. Their prints are individual and inspiring.
    Nikki, xo.


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