Monday, June 14, 2010

prompt 1

Today was the first day of Janel's journaling challenge. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am....although I probably don't have to, since I'm sure yall all feel the same.
So, here's my day 1 prompt. Still not sure how I feel about it, but I'm hoping my skills improve over the course of this coming month!

Are you taking part in the challenge?? If so, share your pages! I'd love to see em. :)



  1. Great patterns - I love all the circles!

  2. Your blog's lovely! I'm adding your button! I'm in 30 day journal challenge too! :)

  3. Yeah-drawing is hard for me too...especially since my boy is (in my eyes) an AMAZING artist and can draw anything he wants to. Mine drawing can look like a five year old made them...I'm learning to love the way I draw because it's unique but still...

  4. I love it Kel! It turned out so cute, I love all the little polaroid and the camera. Great job :) I am doing the challenge too, but, like usual, I am going to be behind.

  5. Thanks so much for posting about this, can't wait to check it out.

  6. I just started the challenge today and trying to catch up with the posts. Love the swirls and circles on your intro page :)

  7. love love love your page, I kinda wish I got a journal with white paper instead of kraft paper :( the pages are soo thin! Love yours!!! lots!

  8. Your design looks great! I love all the different patterns :)

  9. I love your page!
    I feel the same way about my first couple pages. Drawing has never been a strong point of mine.. I'm actually horrible!! So Im hoping this challenge will encourage me to at least try, and maybe even improve!

    Thanks for the comment on my farmers market post! I'll be following your blog from now on :)

  10. Your page is gorgeous. I'm only just starting the challenge and my daughter has decided to join me :)


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