Thursday, June 24, 2010

back to school, back to school

I have no idea why I do this to myself, but the first day back to school always makes me highly anxious. I hate them! There's the not knowing what the class will be like, how nice/easy the professor will be, how many annoying/jerk students will be your classmates, and the most important...where am I going to sit? (Or maybe the worst is not knowing if I'm going to pass...toss up really).
I know it's no biggie, I've been in school for like 20 years now, but still I allow myself to get all worked up. Although, it doesn't help that this class is four hours a night for 2 nights a week. Bleh.
But on the bright side (and steering away from my debbie downer school self) it is my LAST class. LAST one. After this, no more college! Done. Finished. Fin. :)
Oh Lord, pleaseeeeee with a cherry on top let me pass this stupid class.

Am I the only one that freaks out like this about first days?

happy thursday loves!


  1. Its exciting to think that you will almost be done... but you will miss how easy college life is once your done with school & you're living in the real world.

    What is your major?

  2. Very exciting! I'll never forget my college graduation. So proud of you! You'll do great!

  3. I get nervous about starting anything new, so I'm sure it's perfectly normal. I took some classes in the similar format to yours (two nights a week for four hours) and it was surprisingly not bad. :D

  4. like eleanor, i too, just get nervous about starting anything new.

  5. i freak out about it too! oh btw - i got your mix cd in the mail !!! it's lovely :) and i know you're probably wondering where yours is...well i sent it today so you should get it within the next two days!!

  6. First days freak me out too! But congrats on being almost done! :)

  7. I Totally know where your coming from!! I remember not being able to sleep the day before the start of a new class... Well, I hope you get a great professor and that you pass the course with flying colors cause its your LAST ONE!! Yay!!!

  8. i'm a firm believer in never ever putting myself through that EVER again.
    God gave my academic genes to my little sister. and you know what?
    she can HAVE them.

  9. I am the same way!
    Congrats on being almost done! I am in the same boat - last class of my Masters - these 2 day a week classes are killing me!!

  10. I used to absolutely freak out first day back at school every single year. Tears and tantrums, begging my mum to home school me so i wouldnt have to go back. oh the dramatics.
    first day nerves are crappy... but usually start to subside within a few hours of being back.
    keep your chin up :) x

  11. sometimes i dread first days (if i'm starting at a new school or don't know anyone in ANY of my classes), but more often than not, i'm super psyched about new classes/first days. i buy cutesy folders and new pens. these make me super happy.

  12. Oh yes, I always got nervous about the 1st day of school. I've been out of high school for 23 years & I still have dreams that I lost my 1st day of school card (you know the 1 that lists the times & rooms). That dream always stresses me out.

  13. haha- thats what's funny. i LOVE back to school shopping. the school supply isle is my favorite! i just dont like putting them to use i guess. haha JK


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