Thursday, June 24, 2010

Inspiration thursday (with Janel from Run with Scissors)

Yay for another lovely lady that was willing to let me feature her here.
I lovelovelove Janel (and I'm sure if you've seen her blog/photos/creations/etc. before you love her too!) She's one of those ladies that just brightens up your day by both her creativity and her sweetness. She radiates love and is a constant source of inspiration for me. There are just not enough words to describe this pretty lady...

Your name: Janel

Where can we find you?
My blog is
on Twitter you can find me here
on Flickr, you can find me here

Tell us a little bit about you!
I am an elementary art teacher to kiddos in grades K-5. Dream job!
I create like crazy in my spare time. I am married to my most favorite guy ever, Adam
and we have a sweet sweet chihuahua named Catalina (we call her Cat).
I love the blogging community so much and feel so thankful to meet such amazing people through it (like Kellie)!

Favorite craft or hobby?
This changes like weekly but right now I have to say sewing. I have gotton back into making quilts and pillows, and other vintage inspried items and it's a full time obsession right now :)

What's next for you?
Well, I am working on my Etsy shop, planning a huuuuge update at some point. In my personal life, my husband and I are starting to get ready to adopt. It's a huge thing that we both have dreamed about before we even knew each other. I am really excited to be a mom someday!

5 things that make you happy!
diet dr. pepper, soft pretzels, polaroid film, glitter, and vintage

Where do you find inspiration?
I find a lot of my inspiration from other blogs, flickr, catalogs, and my surroundings.

How do you get and stay motivated??
I make lists, I adore lists :) I live to cross things off. If I can cross something off of my list, or get a sticker for completing something, I stay very motivated. It's silly but true.

Where's one place you would LOVE to travel to if you could?
Hands down, New Zealand. I have wanted to go there as long as I can remember. The people, the culture, the scenery, the history...AMAZING!

Give us 1 random or funny or interesting fact/tidbit about YOU!!!
In high school, I had a pet turtle named Shaquille O'Niel :) Random!!

She's also created a fun journal challenge and she posts a prompt everyday. If you haven't checked it out better go hop to it!!! You'll be happy you did. :)
Her first page/ Prompt 1:
Thanks again Janel for sharing!!!
so much love,


  1. super fun feature!!
    Love Janel!
    Love you!
    Happy Thursday!

  2. oh yay!!! You are too cute!!
    thank you for letting me be a part of this awesome blog today!!

  3. Great feature!! Janel is such an awesome woman!! I am participating in the 30 day journal challenge and am LOVING IT!


  4. Yay!!!Great feature! She's one of my favorite people! Happy day to you, Lovely Kellie!!!! Love you! xoxo

  5. Janel!!! I love her!!! She is absolutely awesome!!! Love this feature, you always say the sweetest things Kel!!! I heart you!


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