Tuesday, June 8, 2010

enough about me, what about you?

I noticed today that I have almost 200 followers. Wowzers. Knowing that so many of you actually read/like/follow my blog makes my day. So since there are a lot more of you now....I want to get to know YOU!! You read my blog all the time (so you know about me), but I want to get to know yall!!

If you don't mind and have some spare time, I would love, love, love it if you'd answer some getting to know you questions! Pretty, pretty please? With sugar on top?
(You can blog em and post a link in the comment section, or you can just leave the answers in the comment section!)

you name:
your blog:
your favorite summer activity:
your home state:
your favorite ice cream flavor:
one *thing* you could not live without:
your latest obession:

I'll be back with my answers later.... but first, TELL ME YOURS!!!!! :)



  1. beeeweee garrity
    currently living in cincinnati ohio
    chocolate marshmallow..... sometimes with caramel
    i could not live without pepsi
    i am obsessed with finding and wearing a monocle, after growing a handlebar mustache

  2. you name: marla grace
    your blog: marlagrace.blogspot.com
    your favorite summer activity: laying on the back of the boat in the middle of the lake
    your home state: i'm a pk (preacher's kid), so i've lived in kansas, louisiana, arkansas/texas
    your favorite ice cream flavor: dark chocolate ice cream with dark chocolate pieces and chocolate chip cookie dough with a steam of carmel and peanut butter...the richer the better!
    one *thing* you could not live without: my dog ruby. anytime i have to go without her, i'm completely lost!
    your latest obession: i've rediscovered tcby's white chocolate mousse...you got me thinking about ice cream and now that's all i can think about!

  3. you name: Carrie
    your blog: http://brinoahslittleworld.blogspot.com
    your favorite summer activity: swimming and grilling
    your home state: Georgia
    your favorite ice cream flavor: I don't like ice cream
    one *thing* you could not live without: my cell phone
    your latest obession: art journaling

  4. you name: mandy
    your blog: http://mycloudylife.blogspot.com
    your favorite summer activity: beach!!
    your home state: mississippi
    your favorite ice cream flavor: cheesecake ice cream with assorted sprinkles and snicker bar from marble slab creamery!!
    one *thing* you could not live without: music
    your latest obession: redecorating my walls

  5. you name: Katie*bug
    your blog: www.punkprojects.blogspot.com
    your favorite summer activity: hmm.. thats a hard one. probably swimming, its too hot in TX to do anything else. ;)
    your home state: Don't mess with Texas
    your favorite ice cream flavor: Pumpkin! They only serve it at Thanksgiving, but it's my favorite flavor ever! :P
    one *thing* you could not live without: a pencil
    your latest obession: Owls. I love them. hoot, hoot. lol

    I love reading your blog kellie, thanks for asking these questions.

  6. this is fun!

    you name: hannah margaret [double name]
    your blog: hannahmargaretallen.blogspot.com
    your favorite summer activity: learning new hobbies/being crafty/cooking
    your home state: tennessee
    your favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate anything
    one *thing* you could not live without: my bible
    your latest obession: learning to play the mandolin--i can't put it down!

    don't forget to answer yourself. you're blog is just adorable. have a darling day!

  7. you name: Thera Joyce

    your blog: http://therajoyce.blogspot.com

    your favorite summer activity: Drinking cold beverages

    your home state: Arizona

    your favorite ice cream flavor:
    cookies and cream

    one *thing* you could not live without: my crafting supplies

    your latest obession: writing tutorials/blogging

    Love your blog!


  8. you name: Carol

    your blog: http://thatischarming.blogspot.com

    your favorite summer activity: going to the park or going to garage sales with my husband

    your home state: Missouri

    your favorite ice cream flavor: coffee

    one *thing* you could not live without: my husband

    your latest obession: yarn and cats

  9. Yay! I am a super new reader but I am glad to have found your cool blog! :)

    you name:Charlotte
    your blog: whinylloveswinkxie@blogspot.com
    your favorite summer activity:warm late-night walks with my husbands to get an iced coffee or soda pop
    your home state: California
    your favorite ice cream flavor: Dreamsicle bars! I try to eat very little ice cream though.
    one *thing* you could not live without: Coffee
    your latest obsession: Having a baby.... but I obsess about lots of things. :)

  10. you name: Jennifer

    your blog:Jenzee on livejournal

    your favorite summer activity: going to the beach/lake/creek

    your home state: Maryland

    your favorite ice cream flavor:cookies and cream

    one *thing* you could not live without: my down comfortor blanket its the best

    your latest obession: frozen yogart

  11. I answered this on my blog, here's the link


  12. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Thought I would answer your questions too:

    summer activity: not unique, but I LOVE the beach!
    home state: CT
    ice cream: Haagan Daaz Coffee
    one *thing* you could not live without: sunglasses and chapstick (2, I know)
    your latest obession: swapbot!

  13. you name:Krystle Payne
    your blog: http://krystle-clear.blogspot.com
    your favorite summer activity:floating on a raft at the lake with my boyfriend :-) OR riding the motorcycle with the boy
    your home state: Arkansas
    your favorite ice cream flavor: Peanut butter or plain ol vanilla
    one *thing* you could not live without: I could not live without DVR. Greatest. invention. ever.
    your latest obession: america's next top model marathons :-)

  14. Oh my god! You are a mind reader! I was just thinking this week...man I have a ton of followers that I just know NOTHING about I want to know them all! I think that this is a great idea!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. My name: Charity Emmanuelle Blaine (Yes, Emmanuelle)
    My blog: alovelylittleworld@blogspot.com
    My favourite summer activities: Canoeing, creative writing (I get more inspired in the summer)
    My Province: Ontario (Obviously not a State, but anyway)
    My favourite ice cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
    Something I couldn't live without: Probably a camera, but since that’s so typical….my Super Ted. I was afraid of thunder when I was little and dad gave me his old teddy bear and told me Ted would keep me safe. He could run between rain drops, . I still have him. He’swhich made the lightening and bowl the bad guys away in bad shape! I also couldn’t live without pizza and tea.
    My lastest obsession: Other than blogging, Lately, I’m obsessed with apocalyptic/superhero books and movies, even young adult, and photographs of people in love. I also have a long time obsession with Jon Cusack, although I apparently have a Conspiracy Theory like addiction to buying Christian Bale and Cillian Murphy movies. Oh, and the Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch. I pull it out almost every time I supply in a Kindergarten room, which is A LOT!
    I posted a picture of Super Ted on my blog, but I will spare you :)

  17. you name: Krystal
    your blog: www.margotscloset.blogspot.com
    your favorite summer activity: partying all night :)
    your home state: California
    your favorite ice cream flavor: mint n chip OR chunky monkey. sooooo goooood.
    one *thing* you could not live without: a book
    your latest obession: watching Daria on youtube.

  18. Dear girl, I've been looking at some of your past posts and can say with absolute certainty that you deserve every one of those followers. Congratulations!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment! Yours is fab; I can't wait for more.
    xxoo Josie

  19. you name: Tiffany
    your blog: www.iamrenasdaughter.blogspot.com
    your favorite summer activity: walking and bike riding
    your home state: Utah
    your favorite ice cream flavor:Starlight mint
    one *thing* you could not live without: chapstick and flipflops
    your latest obession:journaling/writing

  20. Kerri
    Gardening and reading on the porch
    Winnipeg (Canada)
    Pumpkin Pie ice cream
    My daughters
    Right now I'm pretty obsessed with kidney transplant stories. My dad is in need of one and I'm tossing around the idea of doing it. But, I am super scared too.

  21. my name: Rosie.
    m blog: http://butterinsummer.blogspot.com/
    my favorite summer activity: getting snow cones! it's just not summer without a chamoyada.
    my home state: texas.
    my favorite ice cream flavor: blue bell's moollenium crunch. it's delicious.
    one *thing* i could not live without: my glasses! i'm not terribly blind, but i definitely feel naked without them!
    my latest obsession: gilad's bodies in motion (on fit tv). i hardly ever made time to exercise, but a few weeks back i did a 30 mention session and was hooked! i feel my days are so much more productive/accomplished when i fit a session in!

  22. you name: Alyssa
    your blog: http://mylifein-ablog.blogspot.com/
    your favorite summer activity: canoeing
    your home state: NSW (australia)
    your favorite ice cream flavor: pavlova!
    one *thing* you could not live without: iphone
    your latest obession: crafting up an absolute storm :)

  23. you name: courtney lynn :)

    your blog: www.clphotography88.wordpress.com

    your favorite summer activity: traveling, laying out in my back yard, and chasing down the ice cream man for a bubblegum Popsicle!

    your home state: indanaaaaa

    your favorite ice cream flavor:mint chocolate chip

    one *thing* you could not live without: a camera

    your latest obession:pastel colors, owls, foxes, interrior decorating, etsy shopping, and scrapbook journaling

  24. My name: Amy

    My blog: http://www.luniebin.com

    My fav. summer activity..we have a camp and we love spending time there with my hubby and kids

    My home state is New York

    My fav. ice cream flavor is chocolate fudge brownie

    One thing I cannot live without is my computer

    I am currently OBSESSED with art journaling.

  25. Name: Jammer
    Blog: http://jammer10am.blogspot.com/
    Activity: cooking out with friends
    State: PA
    Ice cream: EVERYTHING
    Couldn't live without: my laptop :D
    Obession: builiding up a non-boring work wordrobe!

  26. I love this post! How cute!

    you name: Rachael
    your blog: itssimplelove.blogspot.com
    your favorite summer activity: Rock Clmbing!
    your home state: Utah
    your favorite ice cream flavor: Anything with a candy bar in it: best of both worlds.
    one *thing* you could not live without: LOVE!
    your latest obession: straw hats!

    Much love! Excited to see your answers!


  27. Name: Minakichu
    fave summer activity: travelling, sipping my tea while lazing on the pool, blogging about anything:-)
    home state: Manila, Philippines
    fave ice cream: green tea
    one thing I cannot live without: my I- touch this is where I usually blog
    latest obsession: quirky things...always on the lookout:-)

  28. you name: krystal :)
    your blog: www.krystalskitsch.com
    your favorite summer activity: beachin' , baseball games , drinkin' ;)
    your home state: sunshine state!
    your favorite ice cream flavor: mint chocolate
    one *thing* you could not live without: saying my boyfriend would be pretty lame right? how about my phone? the internet?
    your latest obession: stationary and postcards

  29. Name: Laura
    Blog: www.dicocheeze.blogspot.com

    Summer Activity: BBQing, Swimming, Bon Fires, Picnics, and Roadtrips.

    Home State: Missouri

    Ice Cream: Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream

    One thing I couldn't live without: My Camera

    Latest Obsession: Pictures, letters, mail, craftyness, True Blood...

  30. you name: Megan
    your blog: classicmeg.blogspot.com
    your favorite summer activity: reading, relaxing, swimming
    your home state: Wisconsin
    your favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough
    one *thing* you could not live without: my hubby
    your latest obession: reserving books online from the library...I've got 26 checked out and 25 on reserve! Somebody, take my library card away from me!

  31. you name: amy lapi :)
    your blog: http://www.amylapi.com
    your favorite summer activity: nighttime walks on the beach
    your home state: new york
    your favorite ice cream flavor: black raspberry
    one *thing* you could not live without: art
    your latest obession: buttons

  32. Erin // mywaythistime.blogspot.com
    Being outside doing ANYTHING // Florida
    strawberry // projects
    stamps and stamping, watching YouTube videos on crafting :)


Your comments brighten my day. And I promise, while I may not respond to every one of them, I read every single on of them.
Thanks for stopping by. :)