Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday Wishes

This week I've been trying to finish up so many things on my to do lists (yes, there are multiple) and I decided that for this wishlist I was going to keep it sensible and simple (unlike last week's willy wonka style wishlist, which everyone should create once in awhile)!

1. finish decorating my place: my bedroom, my patio, and my living room.
i've had this on my to do list for far too long and i need to start working on the things i can do. although i really need help hanging shelves... anyone out there that can/wants to help?? :)

2. finish reading this book:

this is the book my book club is currently reading. we're also suppose to meet up to discuss it this friday....yea i got the dates mixed up so i still have tons of pages left.....450 to be exact (what?? it's a 1000 page book). i'm behind partly, because i haven't had a lot of time to read it and partly because i just havent gotten into it. i liked the first one, Pillars of the Earth, but this one is rather dry to me. it also skips time periods (10 years or so) which kind of aggrivates me. i swear, im not a book snob. i typically like every book i read (with some exceptions of course) but this one is just....difficult. either way, i still need to have as much as possible read by this friday. ekkkk

3. buy skates

...ok so maybe i'm still adding in some willy wonka type wishes this week. but i can't be the awesome roller derby kick-ass chick i want to be until i get skates and relearn to skate. but the first step is to buy a pair. right now im just trying to find a good price. so far i've got walmart (online for $30). any other suggestions on where to look??

Don't forget to check out Courtney, Liz, and Katie's wishlists. We also have a new addition to our little group, Karlie. So don't forget to stop by her blog to check it out and say hi!!
Alycia from also has a wishlist going on...check it out too!

And if you want to join us, please do!! We want to share in your wishes too. :) Just post a link in the comment section and we'll add you to the roster for the next week.

happy wishing!!!


  1. that roller skate picture is amazing! i hope you are having a great wednesday, you have inspired me to do soemthing to my bedroom, what i dunno, but something. maybe paint dandelions on the wall?

  2. Yeah, I just did mine. :D
    I linked back to everyone's (I think!) and thanks. :)

    Have a great rest-of-Wednesday!

  3. I've always known them as peace wagons (that's what there called here lol) but I seen one with a hammock in the back and it just looked so cute! :D

  4. Love the wish list! I wanna play!!

  5. oh my goodness I still have my skates from when I was younger!! That is so neat!! love your wishes! Have a great week pretty lady! Got your postcard today, you are the sweetest!! Love yoU!

  6. aww I have a pretty full to do list as well for this summer. Have an awesome week!


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