Thursday, June 17, 2010

a pretty dress and sweet thoughts

Thank you everyone for the sweet comments about my recent break up.
I feel so lucky and blessed to have so many people that care and willing to be there. :) It warms my heart.
And don't worry, I'm staying optimistic and upbeat. I know so many of you have my back and that means the world to me.

In the spirit of trying to keep myself happy I bought a pretty little dress from this shop.
I adore it and I can't wait to try it on!!

thanks again friends. you guys have totally made me feel better!! :)
so much love,


  1. Wow it is so pretty! With your dark hair it will be perfect! :)

    ps you probably don't wanna hear this but everytime - repeat everytime I've broke up/been broken up with it's for the best and you'll realize wow things are alot better now :) it may take 2 months or 2 years, but it will happen!

  2. Wow you will be hot to trot in that pretty number! Good luck and be strong, lady!

  3. awww just read your break up post. i'm sorry when people grow apart. hope you're doing ok and i love the dress posted here and the jamie interview posted below!!

  4. That dress is really cute!

  5. That dress is super cute! You will look so great in it!!! Hope you're having a good day, sweetie!!! xoxo

  6. That dress will look KILLER on you!


  7. awww that dress is so pretty!!! I am so thankful for your friendship too!! Love ya!!

  8. This dress is waaaay adorable!!! Hey, how did you make that flickr page widget thing? I'm a newbie and would love one for my blog!

  9. sorry about your break up :( that dress is lovely though and sure to be just what you need :) love that color, too cute! Your blog is lovely too by the way :) hope your week gets brighter...

  10. such a pretty dress, and retail therapy is always a great way to keep pushing forward :)

  11. thanks for the comment on my blog! It's awesome to connect with so many people through blogs! I am also a youth leader at a methodist church! what a small world!

  12. Thank you SO much for the compliments you left on my blog! You made my whole week! I'm officially a follower of yours now! (Although we HAVE been traveling the same bloggy/flickr circles for a while now, so you were already bookmarked!)

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  13. I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for all your sweet comments you've left me! Thank you for checking out my blog! I'm now a follower of yours! I knew your screen name sounded familiar, I've seen you on the Flickr group for the 30 day journal challenge, right? Hopefully I'll be able to post pictures soon!


  14. Kellie, I'm so happy you popped by my blog. I am *loving* yours. Sorry about your break up, but I think a lovely summer dress is just the cure.

    PS. Were you in Indie Biz?

    Can't wait for more! xo, Roxanne

  15. Such a lovely dress. And yellow is the colour for happiness :)


Your comments brighten my day. And I promise, while I may not respond to every one of them, I read every single on of them.
Thanks for stopping by. :)