Thursday, June 17, 2010

inspiration thursday (with Jamie from inspired mess)

I promised you I'd be back with something special.... and here I am, with one of my favorite features of the week about one of the sweetest gals I know!

Jamie inspired me constantly in a million different ways. She's one of the coolest moms, she's one of the strongest, most creative and talented women I know. I am blessed to have her as a pen pal and friend. She's one of those ladies that you fall in love with as soon as you meet her and she's always up to something awesome and creative.
So here's Jamie, one of the coolest chicks I know! :)

Your name: Jamie!

Where can we find you?
Blog: or and also Happy Mail:
Twitter: inspiredmess
Flickr: inspired*mess

Tell us a little bit about you!
I live in Southern Illinois with my hubby Brian.
Together we have 3 boys: Zachary will be 11 in a couple weeks; Brennon is 10 and Grayson is 5. Saying our home is crazy is an understatement. ;)
I spend my days working for a law firm. I spend my evenings grading homework, refereeing fights between brothers, watching reality tv and making things! I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) early in 2009 so I spend a lot of time raising awareness and funds for the National MS Society. I just recently became Chairperson of our local MS Walk so I'm spending a lot of time fundraising and organizing that! I also have a couple other projects in the works but those are secrets for now. ;) hehe

Favorite craft or hobby?
It's so hard for me to pick a favorite because there's so many that I love and it just depends on what kind of mood I'm in! I love art journaling and embroidering. I recently learned to crochet so I'm excited to learn more about that too!

What's next for you?
Wow. What a great question! Right now my goals are to have a very successful MS Walk by meeting all the goals that I've set for it, catch up on our family pictures/scrapbooks (It's been too long and my boys love looking thru them but there's nothing to look thru for the past couple years!) and to reach my weight loss goals with my Shrinking for a Cure project. I'm collecting pledges for each pound I lose until September. Then all pledges will be donated to our MS Walk Team. Those are some of the biggies.

5 things that make you happy!
1. When my boys GET ALONG and play well together.
2. When my hubby laughs at something I'm doing and says "That's why I love you".
3. Beautiful weather with the car windows rolled down and singing along to a great song as loud as can be while drive dancing.
4. Happy Mail!!!!!
5. Random e-mails from friends with words of encouragement and love.

Where do you find inspiration?
I know it's cliche, but seriously everywhere. I get my best ideas from the most random of places. I have to keep notepads everywhere. I love looking thru weheartit and flickr, inspirational quotes, song lyrics, nature, love.

How do you get and stay motivated??
Staying busy and having all these projects EXCITES me! I love it! Hubby was sighing the other day when I was talking about something else I was working on. I told him I'd be bored if I didn't have all of this going on! I keep lists and have a favorite notebook that I carry everywhere and am constantly writing in. I have to prioritize and set goals for each day.

Where's one place you would LOVE to travel to if you could?
Ireland!!! or Italy!!!
I love to travel so I'm happy going anywhere tho! Anywhere can be an adventure!

Give us 1 random or funny or interesting fact/tidbit about YOU!!!
I could read the newspaper at 4 years old. ;)

xo -j
Thank you Jamie for allowing me to interview you!!! You rock!
And for all you other ladies, if you haven't been to her blog before, check it out. You will thank yourself later! :)
Happy Thursday!


  1. Oh, Kelly! You just totally made my day! And you picked the perfect pictures for each section. ha! I love it! Thank you so much for featuring me and for your kind words! You're the bestest!!!! Love you!!! xoxo

  2. One of my most favorite people in the world. I love you, J!

  3. Jamie you and your totally ROCK!!!!

  4. Love this feature! Jamie is soooo awesome! I love her! <3

  5. Jamie is awesome! I am going to try so so so hard this summer to try to meet up with her...were are only about 5 miles away!
    She is awesome and so super sweet!
    Yay! Jamie!
    (and yay! Kellie for being the awesome-o girl that she is.)

  6. awww I love Jamie!!! She is my bestie!!! She is one of the strongest, most inspiring, generous woman I know!! What an awesome feature Kellie!! Love you girls so much!!

  7. What a fun post!! I LOVE Jamie too! All of you blog girls are my favorite!! :)
    Love the photo with the sucker~ Soooo cute!!
    Love you both!

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