Wednesday, June 16, 2010

single again

In the end we wanted different things. Actually, I think from the very begining we wanted different things, but now we can both be happy.
Still though, 3 years is a long time....

Here's to a happier tomorrow. :)

No Wednesday wishes post today, but I will be back tomorrow with something awesome. Promise. :)


  1. Kellie, I'm so sorry to hear about this. There are brighter days ahead my friend and everything always works out the way it's supposed to. On a brighter note, I sent you a card today with something cool inside! :)
    Love ya!

  2. so sad to hear you are going through a break up. So painful. I wish you much much much happier days ahead and that love finds you in full force.

  3. Hope you have a wonderful day<333 Things will look up :)

  4. oh sweetie, I love you!!! I hope he realizes soon how amazing he had it with you! You are amazing and I hope you have a great week. If you need anything email me, fb me, blog me, twitter whatever.. Im here for you!! Love ya!!

  5. hugs I am so sorry but like you said its probably will be for the best but I know that doesn't make things any easier!


  6. Oh Dear! I'm sorry Kellie. I have been there before and it will hurt for a while, but ultimately like you say you will be happier. Make sure you take some time out to grieve & heal.

  7. feel that? it is me hugging you. squeeze

  8. Sweetieeee,

    sorry to hear about you break up, it's never fun to break up with simebody, bu beter you find it out now, then about 5 years from now. If you need something just let me know Oké;) just want to let you now that you are à beautiful, smart, wonderfull, good person don't forget that;)

    just take your time with everything and à big big hug from me for you.


  9. Aww, Kellie, I'm so sorry! Break-ups are never easy (on EITHER party) and it stinks that you have to go through one. Just know that you're an amazing girl, and that God has a greater plan for you- you just have to wait and see what it is! Stay strong.

  10. I hope you're okay. Even good break-ups suck. Thinking of you. xo

  11. boohoo breakups can be such a bummer sometimes :( hope your ok :)


  12. Oh- I'm sooo not good with typical girly advice type of things but know that if I was I would send it all your way!
    I am sure that it hurts now but you know, it will fade and you are sooo young!
    For the most part relationships happen when it is the last thing on your ming.
    Just know that us girlies all over the county love you so much and we are all here if you need to bitch about him or just need support.

  13. Big squeezes to you. I am sorry that it didn't work, but I just know you are going to find someone who realizes what a gem you are.
    Let me know if you need at venting session :)

  14. I am sending you a big hug!! I am proud of you and I know the right guy is waiting patiently for you! You are amazing!

  15. Awwww well you seem to be optimistic about everything, so here's to a fabulous summer. =) Cheers!

  16. Awww Kel, I'm sorry to hear that. You are a strong lady and I know you will be make it through this. I'm here if you need to chat sweetie.
    Love ya!


  17. just saw this. hope you're feeling better. sending you lots of love! <333


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