Monday, July 26, 2010

5 loves on monday

I'm taking a few minutes out of trying to do homework to make my favorite list of the week (5 things I looooove). It's almost like a stress reliever, because I get to focus on pretty things for a few minutes instead of my hectic homework. Bleh. So here's my list for this week. Enjoy :)

1. ray bans

(photos found at

2. these postcards
found here

3. this pretty owl jewelry from a cute little etsy store I just stumbled upon.

4. all these goodies for only $1!!!! (The etsy shop owner is closing her store and therefore having a massive sale!!!!) find the store here

5. this beautiful photo

i loooove this photographer and you can see more of her stuff here



  1. Ha! I have that same Martha Stewart Cupcake punch. It was on crazy clearance at a craft shop.
    I punch out a million cupcakes and they just sit like confetti in a pretty bowl. I'll have to send you some now!

  2. That owl jewelry is really cute. I know just the perfect person for those pieces. Happy Day to you!

  3. eeee.
    im in love with your 5 loves (:
    so cute.

  4. I know what you mean about the homework, no fun! I love your pics though, that was a good way to de-stress, and nice for us too. :-D

  5. Love it! Especially that last photo, so pretty.

  6. Oooh and I'm just wondering about the pen pal project. When is the next one going to start? I'm totally interesting in joining! :)

  7. the next round of pen pals is September/October and I'll be starting that list come August. We already have some gals interested, so if you are too, just email me at!!!

  8. Thanks for the cute stuff! I will def be checking out that Etsy shop. :)

  9. I love Ray Bans and I love Ruffles!

  10. oooh those postcards are just simply adorable!

  11. :) you're so sweet! Thank you so much!!!
    I love those ray bans too -specially pink or green maybe lol

    Hey email me your address and I'll send you a treat ;)

  12. That is totally awesome that you blogged about me!
    In case you would like more juicy photos check out


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