Monday, July 26, 2010

weekend past

Another weekend come and gone. I gotta admit though, I was very spoiled this weekend :)

Friday night I was finally able to get some crafting in (pictures to come once I've finished my little surprise), and hung out with my good friend Brit and the boy. We ended up going to this hole in the wall pub and talking over a beer or two. :)

Saturday was my dad's birthday...or would have been. I'm still not sure how to say it, even still, 9 years after his passing. Typically I get a little blue on his birthday (and Father's day and the day he died...) but this time I didn't. My mom called to check on me all day (she's seriously the best mom), the boy spoiled me with an awesome breakfast (yup, he cooked me breakfast!) and then let the whole day be about me, and my awesome pal Brit met us up at the pool and kept me upbeat as only she can. :) I'm seriously blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.

Today I had church, bible study, youth, lunch with my mom and stepdad, and then finished the night off with a few hours of lesson planning/writing. I know I probably say it every week, but I seriously LOVE my youth group and I love being able to spend Sundays with them. :)

Now it's off to sleep so that I can wake up tomorrow for work and then come home to work even more on my lesson and assessment. Wish me luck!!


ps all photos from ive been slacking on taking my own. ill try to be better!!!


  1. thank you for your sweet comment about my journal!! :) it made me smile big time! <3

  2. Hooray for crafting!!! You don't get to do it nearly enough

  3. OOo did you say crafting? I would love to say what you came out with. =) What an awesome weekend it was.

  4. Thinking of you Kellie!! I am so glad you had a wonderful weekend and could celebrate your life and your dads birthday!!
    Love you!

  5. i saw your post over at 60/40 and was intrigued by your photography - beautiful!

    then i read this post and so identified with the part about your father - my dad passed in 2000 and i still miss him. especially on saturdays (he called me every saturday morning and sang to me) and on his birthday.


  6. I'm excited to see what you crafted on Friday! I'm really sorry about your dad, I'm so glad that this year it was a bit easier for you and that you have amazing people in your life to be there for you.

    That photo of the bed looks SO comfy!

  7. thanks everyone for the very sweet comments.
    and char- i wishi could take credit, but all the photos are from (an awesome site if you havent heard of it--check it out!!)


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