Monday, August 2, 2010

5 loves on monday & exciting news :)

First off, the exciting news........

last Thursday I took my very last class ever! I'm so happy I can't even tell you. Now I just have to take some field exams (3) and prepare for my internship in the Spring. Thanks to everyone for all the kind words and wishes, I've been extremely nervous and anxious the past couple weeks in regards to my last class, but now that it's over---HUGE relief.


And now onto the fun monday love list :)

1.shark week is finally here! :) I might be a total dork for loving this, but I don't care. My boyfriend and roommate and I watched the first night of shark week last night and ate brownies (made by me, who would have thought right?)

2. this pillow, found here
3. sweet gifts like this one from the lovely Tiffany. (I love you Tiff, you totally made my day!)
4. this tote. sooo cute, found here

5. this remake of a Fleetwood Mac song. soooo great.

also, found here




  1. You probably don't want to hear from me. But I wanted to say congrats on getting through that class Kel. Good job!

  2. CONGRATS on finishing your last class!! I am so happy for you!! I am so glad you like the cute little mirror! :) It made me happy to send it! :)
    Love you!

  3. thanks dan. long time coming (as you well know)!

    and thanks tiff. i'm going to be sending something back your way veryyyyy soon :)

  4. Hi Kellie,
    Thanks so much for your sweet comment! You are gorgeous and so is your blog! :) I love your style!

  5. woo hoo!!! Congrats on having the last class! I remember that feeling....and it was wonderful lol Just noticed you're in Jacksonville...not that far from you! I live near Pensacola :-) Which school are you going to? I graduated from FSU (GO NOLES!!!) back in 2007...hopefully you're not a UF fan :-p lol

  6. bahahahaha i need that go to the gym one too! I never go - bad I know! But that pillow is AWESOME!!!

  7. that pillow! HA! I would sleep on it. :P and i am so upset that we don't have cable anymore because we are missing shark week! LOL!

    and somehow it slipped my attention that you are a youth group leader! I am too!!! My husband and I do the youth ministry at our church! i love that you love spending time with them! very awesome! we'll have to share stories soon

  8. thanks everyone! :)
    and i totally agree heather, we need to swap stories!! :)

  9. You always pick out such cute, fun stuff. I love that bag and pillow. Have fun on your road trip!

  10. Congrats on finishing your class! I love the nerd bag, too.


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