Tuesday, August 3, 2010


*soon i will be on a road trip with my sister. i cant wait*


(all photos found at weheartit.com)


  1. Kitten- where are you ladies going to?! Take tons of photos at least!

  2. your blog is so gorgeous! i'm so jealous, I've always wanted to go on a road trip - I would love to see the photos when you're back!

  3. ill take TONS of photos I promise. i'm going to Alabama to visit some family :)

  4. only coming to the best beaches in the world! :-) Well...after it's completely cleaned up from the oil lol but it's still beautiful!!!

    Such a small world we live in :-) Hope you have fun while you're here!!!! I actually live in Milton just outside of Pcola. I prefer it a lot better because Pcola traffic makes you want to rip out your hair. I only go there when I have to - such as going to Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and JoAnns :-)

  5. Roadtrips are the greatest!
    Hope you have a blast hun

  6. What font did you use for the Wednesday Wishes? I've been trying to find it for the longest!!



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