Monday, August 16, 2010

5 loves on monday

While I usually have a major case of the Mondays, I've actually been looking forward to this particular monday for a while..... Today my awesome bestie comes into town (and it's the last time I'll see her before she moves to England for mission work) and my handsome boyfriend is coming back home today too! I'm so excited I could explode!

& now 5 friggin' sweet things that I've fallen in love with and will hopefully put a smile on your face too!!!!

1. this wedding website.

confession: i've been planning my "perfect wedding" since i was 5. perhaps its silly, but even still i loooove looking at wedding sites and photos. while i use to daydream of weddings when i was younger because i couldn't wait for the day prince charming showed up, i think it's now just morphed into appreciating how beautiful weddings are. i crave inspiration, creativity, and originality so these photos and websites just feed into that. and okay, maybe part of me is still hoping for that dream wedding one day....

with these adorable rings (and other cute jewelry as well!)

3. these adorable cupcake monsters. sooooooooo cute- i want one so badly!
found here

4. these prints from this awesome etsy shop

5. this cute cupcake tattoo!

(found at

happy monday loves!!!!


  1. those cupcake monsters are sooo freakin' cute!!

  2. such a darling collection of Monday loves - made me smile! xx

  3. These are ADORABLE. I love those prints so much!!

  4. Everything is so cute and pretty! Those cupcakes monsters are crazy adorable (and make me want to start sewing even more!)

  5. I love the ring and house prints! I need them..I think ;)

  6. such a bunch of cuteness! i love that tattoo!

  7. o btw-i remembered you liked my jewelry and im offering my readers 30% off everything in the store :)

  8. I love Amy's (number 4) shop (and blog!). That's awesome your boyfriend is back and you get to hang out with your friend! Hope you had a great time.

  9. greaat blooog :) i'm new at this and from Chile hahaha so i looking for inspiration in all this lovely blogs :) take care and greets from the souuuuuuuuuuth of the world

  10. Wedding photography blog = awesome.

    Rings = super cute! :)


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