Monday, August 16, 2010

new music love

My awesome pal Rikki made and sent me a mix cd not too long ago and one of the bands on there I just cannot get enough of.... Handsome Furs.
Sooooooooo good. If you haven't heard of them, you're truly missing out. And thanks Rikki for the awesome intro to an amazing band :)


  1. I just gave them a listen and they are good! (It's because they are Canadian of course hehe).

  2. ive heard of them but never actually heard them lol. i guess i need to have a listen!

  3. yay! I am so glad that you like the cd, and yeah i adore the handsom furs. i saw them play last year in a tiny, incredibly warm club and they were outstanding. the guy is from wolf parade, which is why i decided to check them out and holy cow i am glad i did! (:

  4. yeeees. i'm such a FREAK for new music! i will be checking them out for sure! whoop whoop

  5. I need to listen of them. get curious now.
    xo, Lorine


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