Monday, September 13, 2010

5 loves on monday (hello autumn)

My absolute favorite season is here....or about to be. Living in Florida, it's sometimes difficult to feel like it's Fall in 100 degree weather (even if it is halfway through September already).
But I love, love, love, love, LOVE Fall. And since I can't stop daydreaming about it and the cooler weather, I figured a complete post on it was a good idea, nay, neccessary.

5 things I can't stop looking forward to and grinning about today:

1. fall crafts and fall class
i gotta admit, i look forward to online craft classes that seem to take place every fall. i wanted to take one last year, but didn't have the funds. this year though, i decided to heck with it, it was something i wanted, so i signed up (and it just happened to be for a good cause- raising funds for janel and her hubby to adopt!!!)
the stickers that my pal courtney designed too, are just the cutest! i want a million of them.

found here

found here

and of course, janel's cute fall kit (that i didn't buy in time. boo)
found here

2. pumpkin spice lattes

3. football season!!!!!!!!!

4. pumpkins
i don't know why, but i am obsessed with pumpkins. i lovelovelove them!

notecards found here

stamp found here

found here

5. the changing of the leaves
i love fall colors. orange and red are 2 of my all time favorite colors!

(the above photos found at

What's your favorite thing about Fall????


  1. i love these pictures!! Ive been making some fall kits :) and little halloween ones for my shop opening :D

  2. just waiting for a couple of items to arrive for packaging and need to get my pictures taken! Within the next few weeks at least for a halloween special! xo

  3. I could spend hours talking about what I love most about fall. It is by far my favorite time of year. Mostly though... the smell of the air. It's just different and I adore it. I love bundling up in a comfy sweatshirt and walking, taking in the colors while my cheeks turn just a touch of pink from the cool bite in the air.

  4. I love Fall Fashions..
    and the cute couples~

  5. Fall is my favorite time of year as well. Love the colors, the smells. I am an October Baby, so maybe that is it! ;)

  6. I love these photos :-)

    So excited about Fall too & all the upcoming holidays :-)

  7. Oh, cute fall goodness! :) I love the leaves all over the ground & lots of soft tights & plaid in the fall. :) So lovely.

  8. I love this list. Especially the last few photos. So pretty.


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