Thursday, September 9, 2010

day 12 of 30 days of me

day 12- how you found out about blogger and why you have one

It's weird to think that I've actually been blogging for 3 years now (yup, my very first post was July 3, 2007). Although I used it more to write about personal things back then....which I somewhat regret now. I honestly prefer having a blog to share other aspects of my life, but the main reason I still keep at it is that it's my main source of inspiration and it helps me stay positive. I try very hard to keep this place a positive space in my life (although yes I have been known to vent here a few times as well). And it was all due to my good friend Jessica who introduced me to Elsie Flannigan's blog and flickr. From then on I was hooked by the creativeness and eye candy.
And we have been "happily ever" after since. :)

Why did you start blogging? I'd love to hear your story! :)



  1. Donna downey was my inspiration into going this crafty direction!

  2. I love that your space is positive. So enjoyable to read.
    Here's my link if you'd like to check it out:
    Have a great week!

  3. Actually my story is like yours. My friend Carol from That Is Charming introduced me to quite a few lovely ladies and it has grown from there! Elsie's blog was actually the first link that I clicked and I was hooked from there! She's a very talented woman.


  4. I can't remember the very first blog that I've ever laid my eyes on but I do remember the blog that made me want to be crafty again and that was Elsie's! She's AMAZING beyond words! Reading through her blog made me realize what I've always wanted to do with my life. She's been an inspiration to many people I think.

  5. Ive blogged on and off a few times, main interests in fashion & decor...but never stuck with it as Im doing now :) Its just an expression of the things I like with likeminded people :)

  6. i've always spent way too much time on the net and i thought blogging would atleast be a constructive means to an all those pretty blogs like yours got me inspired to take the plunge


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