Friday, September 3, 2010

home again, home again

i'm finally home (although I could have stayed a couple more days and would have been completely content....)
i had an awesome vacation with the boy (minus getting sick at the end...stupid colds!)
anywho, i came home to some AMAZING mail..... had to share!

courtney sent me this sweet package last week and i got it on my "dark day". it totally lifted my spirits!!!

then today i saw i got some AWESOME owls in the mail from my sweet friend Tiffany. this cute little owl is on a paper clip and is now my new lovely little bookmark.

well off to unpack and upload vacation pics!!
much love,


  1. I am so glad you had a great vacation! I hope you can show us photos later.
    Also, I am so glad that my little package made you smile. I had been thinking about sending it for so long and I just had to make the time to do it and it turns out it was perfect timing! I hope you can enjoy everything in it.
    Glad your back!

  2. Hey! You're so cute. Glad you had a great trip!
    I'm gonna email you later xo

  3. yay for an awesome trip!!! and cute cute mail :) I got your package in the other day and LOVE LOVE it!!! thanks so so so much!!! Just wrote you a letter that will be sent out ot you tomorrow!!

  4. You are such a doll! :)
    Glad you like the little owl bookmark! :)

  5. Aw, nothing like some owl mail to add some cheer!

  6. Welcome back! (haha this is so late!)

    Mail is the best. It puts such a smile on my face. I'm so excited to get to know all of my new pen pals, including you! :)


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