Friday, October 29, 2010

autumn memories

I can't believe that October is almost gone. It seems like it just got here, but Halloween is around the corner, which means October will soon be heading out too. It's strange, because it doesn't even feel like Fall here in Jacksonville, with the temperature still in the 90's....

In any case, with Autumn still staying around for a bit, I've been searching for cute ways to remember the season. I gotta say, there is a TON of adorable stuff out there too. Here are just a few finds:

miss Corey Marie is offering up this FREE printable mini album. Talk about adorable and awesome right? i can't wait to download mine....

and here are some ultra cute journals:

found here

found here

and some pretty embellishments:

found here

and pretty stickers!

found here

found here

found here

and some awesome seasonal stamps! perfect

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

happy memory making. :)
if you've been journaling, scrapbooking, etc your Fall memories- post a link here. I would looooove to see them!


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