Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday Wishes

Ah, another Wednesday (although to be honest, I went most of yesterday thinking it was Wednesday). Sad. Perhaps that's partly to do with putting me in a sour this morning... but somehow thinking up a grand list of wishes always makes things a little brighter. :)

This week, I'm wishing:

1. that I could live on a street like this, in a place like this.

2. that i had more time to read
i JUST finished The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo (I'm sure my sister was thrilled to finally get it back) and I started on this book:

the boyfriend kinda poked some fun at me for this one, but let's be honest, sometimes we need a light and funny read. so far i'm not sure how i feel about it though....
3. a photoshoot. and soon. i seriously have a million ideas, but finding the time (and finding people willing) is what has been keeping me from it.
4. that this weather would stay. i absolutely love fall because it's no longer 100 degrees out, but it hasn't hit freezing winter yet. not gonna lie, i hate being cold- so this 60ish weather is perfect!

So what are you wishing for right now??
Don't forget to check out the other gals lists!!!


  1. I am about to post, and how do you find the other girls list? I am extra happy that fall has hit and what exactly are you lacking in the photoshoot dept? Photographer or someone to photograph?

  2. LivKit- go to previous Wednesday wishes posts and i have linked them on there! :)

  3. I'm looking for my next good was The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo?? And seriously, I'm your photographer if your ever in the Chicago neck of the woods again :)

  4. This is a really awesome list. LOVE that first house, so pretty. I love to read. I am either knitting or reading, or reading blogs, ha! Do a photoshoot! It sounds fun! :) I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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