Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Calling all Canadian pen pals

Fun little pen pal update.....ready for it???
I'm creating a new group!

There have been a lot of gals from Canada signing up and not all have wanted to take part in international (yes, the price of stamps can be pricey) so I decided (thanks to the help of a fellow pen paler) to create a new group, just for my Canadian pen pals! So now there are three (yup, 3!!!) lists to choose from: USA national (USA residents only), Canada national (Canadian residents only), and International (all countries).
Price of stamps:
USA: (state to state is 44 cents)
USA to another country (98 cents)
I'm not sure about another country to another country, but feel free to share if you have those rates.
So if you're interested, email me! I'm currently putting together yet another list (although i guess I'm always putting together another list...I lovelovelove pen pals)!

And now that I've shared my fun news, I want to share some awesome news about one of my favorite blogger and pen pal friends! Miss Rikki Cupcake is now a MRS!!!! Congrats Rikki and Timmy!

Go share your congrats with the happy new couple on her blog! :)



  1. Sign me up! (For the Canadian list)

    Just wondering...what is postage from the US to Canada, because several of the letters I got all had different amounts. Some one stamp, some two and some three; but they all arrived.

    From Canada to the US it's 1$

  2. awesome- just please email me and remind me to add you to that list.
    also-- i edited this post, but from USA to any other country (including Canada, the postage is 98 cents...almost 1 dollar)


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