Thursday, November 25, 2010

happy thanksgiving day!

Happy turkey day!

Thanksgiving has always been a special holiday to me. Not only is there always tons of food (and let's face it, I'm a total food lover) it's also the only holiday in which my family travels to be together. It also use to be my dad's favorite holiday.
Although this year, my mom, step-dad, and I are staying in town. But luckily, we're also being joined by my roommate and his parents (and their adorable dog) this turkey day. :) While I'm kinda sad I don't get to travel to Pensacola and see our awesome friends, I am glad that I'll get to spend the holidays here with people that I love.

And of course I'll also get to eat until I explode. :)
And enjoy a few more extra days off!
But of course the real meaning these days behind this holiday is to be thankful. I feel like this is something we tend to forget in the rushing of the end of the year. We start putting up Christmas decorations as soon as we put our Halloween costumes away and all of a sudden, Thanksgiving is lost. It's no longer a holiday we cherish, but a forgotten holiday that happens to take place the day before Black Friday. I think Thanksgiving is actually the perfect pre-holiday to Christmas. It should get us in the thankful mood, so that when December comes lurking we can feel more focused and centered on what this time of year is actually all about.

So whether or not you're American or even celebrate this holiday, I think trying to take time out to refocus and be thankful is important. If nothing else, it will help give you balance when the holiday rush starts and you start to feel stressed. (Just my opinion).

I'm thankful for....

What are you thankful for???

A giant thank you to all my blog readers. I hope yall know how much I really do appreciate each and every one of you. :)

happy holidays


  1. Aww too cute! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. We don't do Thanksgiving over here but it's put me in a very thankful mood. Happy holidays!

  3. I love Thanksgiving... always a good thing to stop and remember all we have to be thankful for.

    Happy thanksgiving to you!

  4. we dont have thanksgiving but everyone seems so happy! lol happy thanks giving!


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