Tuesday, December 28, 2010

100 joys (part 2)

11. SNOW!!
Believe it or not, we had snow here in Florida the other day. (Okay, maybe it lasted only 15 minutes and it didn't stick.....but it was sooo pretty to look at, even if just for a few minutes)

12. This is my last week at the law office.
While I am going to miss the people I work with terribly and I'm nervous about starting my internship, I am soooo excited to be starting this new chapter!!!

13. Short work weeks!
I had Monday (yesterday off) and last Friday!! Huzzah!

14. My lovely, quiet Christmas weekend with my family.
Family is one of the most important things to me and I am so glad that the majority of them live close by!!

15. Christmas Eve Service.
Church on Christmas Eve is actually one of my favorite parts of Christmas. I love getting to see everyone and wish them a Merry Christmas and I really love the ending song.....Silent Night that we sing in complete darkness, minus all the candles the congregation holds. It's beautiful.

16. The whole idea of Christmas might be the biggest joy for me.....to know that my Savior was born of man and walked among us, to die for us so that we could spend eternity with Him and the Father. Could there be anything better? (nope)
17. Seeing little kidos open their Christmas presents. It's one of the simple and awesome joys in life. Getting to spend so much time with my sister's kidos makes me a little anxious for the day when I can have my own.

18. Christmas lights....because it makes the holidays even more magical!

19. Quiet date nights in.

20. Girls nights out.

21. My big comfortable bed....and getting to sleep in in it!

For the first post, check here

1 comment:

  1. Lovely list! I totally agree with the snow part, I just love snow!! :D


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