Thursday, December 23, 2010

my thoughts on......(Christmas)

Here's a surprise....I love Christmas time. (Not surprised by that tidbit? Yea, I figured). The truth is...I love Christmas, even though there are tons of time during the holiday season that I feel stretched to my limit and sick of everything having to do with it. But all in all, even with the stress that seems to join it, I love this holiday. It's magical to me.

My favorite things about Christmas:
-the holiday lights. I love Christmas lights up everywhere, outside or just makes things seem so much prettier and happier
-christmas trees. From the smells, to decorating them, to making the ornaments for them, to just looking at it. i love them. the best part, is i always get to decorate 2...1 at home and 1 at work :)
-the smells. From cinnamon and apples to pine them all!

My favorite Christmas traditions:
-quiche in the morning. Before we unwrap gifts, my mom makes a quiche and we all eat up and THEN open our presents.
-toe gift. We don't do this so much anymore, but for stocking gifts, the present at the toe of the stocking is usually the best. :)
-Christmas Eve Service. This is both a favorite thing and tradition. I love love love going to church on Christmas Eve night. I love the hymns, I love the atmosphere, I love the candles, and I love at the end, when all the lights go out and only the lit candles are giving light and the congregation as a whole sings Holy Night. This is my absolute favorite. It makes it seem like Christmas. It gives me hope for a new beginning. It makes me remember why I love this time of year, this baby that was born over 2000 years ago, and fills my heart. (Sappy, yes but true).

I'd love to hear your favorites and traditions! Post them!!!

Oh and a new tradition..... Steven and I decided that a new one for us should be an annual Christmas photo....okay more like it was my idea and I somehow talked him into it.... such a good guy.
And happy holidays.


  1. Such a fun post!! I love Christmas too, its just such a great time of year!! And I love your quiche tradition! So adorable! My family doesn't have many traditions because the holidays are always up in the air with us, but lots of times we have cinnamon buns Christmas morning! Maybe I can talk them into it this year!!

    Merry Christmas!!

  2. Kellie! You guys are adorable.
    And I totally want to cash in on the quiche for breakfast tradition. I never get quiche and it's one of my fav foods ever!
    I'm crashing your Christmas morning, haha. Love you xo

  3. Merry Christmas Kellie!
    I love all of your traditions, old and new! :)
    Enjoy every minute!
    Love you!

  4. Merry Christmas!
    Y'all look great in your annual photo :)

    peace and love,

  5. Merry Christmas! Here are some of my family and David's Christmas traditions.

    1: We put all of the Christmas cards we receive all over the door.

    2: One present gets a $1 dollar bill on it, but you can not spend the dollar. It is for good luck and that you have money for the new year! (Usually this is a Chinese New Year tradition but we decided to do it for Christmas)

    3: My brother and I have to sit on the floor while we unwrap presents.

    4: David and I on Christmas Eve go see the Rockefeller Tree and the holiday windows along 5th Avenue. Then we duck into Trump Tower for some hot chocolate and various snacks. This is also the day he asked me to marry him. :)


  6. awww thanks charity!!!

    and thank you everyone for sharing your traditions! I love hearing about them!!!


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