Thursday, December 23, 2010

100 joys

After reading the wonderful Jamie's blog and her 100 joys posts (as well as Sarah, the creator's blog), I decided that I should start my own list.

I gotta admit, lately I've been somewhat of a scrooge. I get like this every year, although every year I promise myself I won't. But it happens. I get frustrated, I take on too much, I have too many things going on....and then I start to take things for granted and I forget to stop and appreciate all that I have.
As Ferris Bueller once said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. "
So I am going to take note of all the joys in my everyday life this season so I can cherish them and remind myself a little bit more how lucky I am.

I hope you join me on this too! Make your own list and share it!!


1. My mom giving my a slice of homemade banana bread my step-dad made

2. Our firm's Christmas lunch and party where we relived funny stories and memories. This group of wonderful people have been like a family to me over the past four and a half years. I'm so going to miss them....

3. Hello hugs from my beautiful nieces, nephew and sister.

4. Goodbye hugs from my nieces, nephew and sister.

5. My sister's AWESOME spaghetti sauce, made from scratch!

6. Snuggle time with the boyfriend.

7. Getting Christmas gifts in the mail from friends far away.

8. Good morning kisses.

9. Sweet and thoughtful Christmas cards via snail mail.

10. My bosses and co-workers constantly telling me how much they'll miss me. (I'll miss them too. So much)

More joys later.

Happy Christmas eve-eve :)



  1. I love it! :)
    It's been amazing just how much more I've taken notice of and enjoyed this season. I'm really glad that I'm doing this. Hope today is wonderful! Merry Christmas Eve, Eve!!! Love you! xo

  2. Getting emails from Kellie tops my list ;)
    Merry Christmas lady. I hope it's spectacular xoxox


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