Wednesday, December 22, 2010

xmas mini book diy

My pen pal and blogger pla, Brittni over at With Love From Michigan asked me to guest post on her blog. Today my DIY post is up. :)
If you're looking for a quick and easy mini book for the xmas season, head on over for the tutorial! And while you're there, check out the other great guest posts and Brittni's adorable blog!


and pssssttttt....a certain friend is getting this in the mail soon (be on the look out!)


  1. It looks great Kellie! When did you have time to do this?! <3

  2. Thanks for doing the guest post Kelly! It is so cute :) you could totally apply it to other holidays (change the shape/color) too! xox

    P.S. I mailed your letter today- we are in the same state!! :)


  3. thanks everyone! and thanks brittni for letting me share! hope you're enjoying our FL weather!!!


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