Wednesday, January 5, 2011

*pen pal project reviews*

I often post about getting letters from pen pals or try to put out more information about the project itself here for yall to sign up. I decided to add a little something extra today though, and let yall hear about the pen pal project from some of those are currently pen pals in the group! Hope you enjoy.
(There are mostly positive, but there are also some not so positive reviews, just so that you get the whole picture).

Kellie's penpal project is a wonderful idea for all who love writing and receiving good old hand-written mail. I've got to know some lovely oversea penpals and enjoy every single letter. It's always such a pleasure to check the mailbox in the mornings to see if it's a good mail day. Thank you Kellie!

It's amazing to find there are so many people out there who still appreciate a hand-written letter, and it's awesome that Kellie has created a group for like-minded people to connect. I've only done one round so far, but I already have met people with similar interests that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to connect with otherwise.

I have loved the pen pal group!! It has been more of a "support system" for me this past year.
It is a little encouragement and happiness in your mailbox on a regular basis.
It is kindness and friendship the old fashioned way. I love sending and receiving letters in the mail, it has been an incredible experience for me and I highly recommend it to anyone!

I always wanted a pen pal, and when I came across this project I was delighted!!
I didn't let myself write as much as I would've liked but I did make a GREAT friend I would have never known if it wasn't for this project!!
Thank you for letting me be a part of it!!

I love the new friends I've made via the pen pal projects. It's a family outside of family.

I signed up for Kellie's pen pal group when it originally started and I am so happy that I did. I have been able to connect with some truly amazing people. It is so fun to open my mailbox and recieve letters from people that I never would have know without the pen pal project.

I love the pen pal project. I've written to my pen pals several times, I've sent Christmas cards to the ones that have returned letters to me and expressed an interest to keep writing. I love writing and receiving letters so that's why I signed up for the project. I look forward to the new list each time I sign up. I love reading about others lives from around the world and what they like. I've learned about new books and new types of music and many other things so far. I really want to thank you for setting this up. It's been nice to get more pen pals.

Project Pen Pal is amazing. I have been doing it since Kel started the project and have met many wonderful friends through snail mail. I have never been more excited to check my mail!! Thanks Kel!!

Through the pen pal project I have met so many kind, inspiring individuals. It's wonderful to be able to make connections with people from all over the world by simply putting pen to paper.

The Pen Pal Project was so fun for me! Writing the letters was a nightly activity and when I had letters in the mail box it was like Christmas! I think anyone who decided to join would really enjoy themselves! I know I did!!
Ha, it sounds so corny, but it's true! I've written some people multiple times we have so much to talk about! i love it! thanks for making the pen pal project available to us kellie!!

The pen pal project is a great idea for anyone and especially those probably just starting out in blogging (it really helped me get my start). You have to be dedicated and sign up for a few months to really get the full potential of the pen pal project. But once you do you make some great friends. It is very rewarding to write to those people and get heart-felt letters in return.

One thing you might want to tell pen pals is to be sure that whatever they send out has enough postage….

Hi Kellie. I love Project pen pal, but I have noticed that some people on the list, that I write to, either I never hear back from them or they write once & that's it. That's kind of disappointing. You don't have to use that as feedback, but I thought I would mention it. I hope that people who sign up are serious about writing to pen pals. I know people get busy & all.

I was really excited when I came across your pen pal project. I imagined getting interesting letters, and meeting a diverse group of people. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Including you, I only heard from three of the people on my pen pal list. I absolutely understand that this is in no way any fault of yours. I think it is super important that participants know that this project requires a lot of time, and effort. It also takes a lot of discipline, and dedication.

Well, there you have it! If you want to sign up (or sign up again, just email me at

Don't forget to grab one of the pen pal buttons (they're on the right side bar!!)



  1. ahhh i just cant wait till you email a list out, soo excited.


  2. Sounds great Kellie. Thanks and I just sent you an email.

  3. love the list! I know I have LOVED project penpal!!!

  4. I just checked back, as I am new this time around I thought I may have missed some of the rules or something because it hadn't started yet! I'm super excited and can't wait to get to know everyone!!!! :)

    One of my goals this year is to get better with my "snail mail" abilities :) So this will surely help!!!

  5. I love to write. I love to get to know people. I just moved back home, been away for 21 years. Here to be with family.


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