Friday, January 7, 2011

inspiration friday (sparkles)

My mom says it's because "you can take the girl out of Boca, but you can't take the Boca out of the girl" (yes.....we lived in Boca Raton, FL. My step-dad says that it's the native american in us (which means we like beads...). Whatever it is...I'm back to loving all that sparkles, just like I did when I was a little girl, living in Boca, Raton.
And of course, here are some photos from to prove it!

Happy Friday!


  1. I love sparkles, too! So much so that I made "sparkle" my word for 2011. <3

  2. Oh glitter, how i adore thee!

  3. i love every single photo and i want all those ahoes!!!

    i wonder if its because i live in boca?


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