Friday, January 7, 2011

a very long week

The beginning of this week started out lovely. I got to catch up with friends, sleep in, clean and organize, and veg. It was amazing and it was all because I completely misread my schedule. So instead of starting my internship seminars on Monday, I started on Wednesday. :)
Suffice to say, the 3 days full of seminars were just what my friends who had it prior said it would be....extremely long and at some points boring. However I actually did learn some awesome stuff too (obviously). Anywho, I am now spending the end of my week with friends, trivia, and bad tv. I'm a very happy camper.
Hope you've had an awesome week.
Oh....and I start my internship (officially) Monday. Ekk. Can't wait!

ps. i got the photobooth style photos from this awesome website. So great!


  1. Enjoy the weekend and GOOD LUCK at your internship!!!!

  2. What a great site. I took pics and nearly gagged.


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