Monday, June 27, 2011

5 loves on monday

Happy Monday all!
I have to say, it's been a quiet, but really good one. The boyfriend took the day off, so we got to spend some time together. :) And now we're just hanging out before dinner and the bachelorette start!!!

My monday love list:

1. this washi tape, found in this etsy shop

2. this super cute notebook, found at this etsy shop

3. this explanation of my blog from my blogger pal megan. i found it on pinterest and it's so sweet/cute. Thanks!!

4. and speaking of pinterest. seriously awesome...i cant believe it took me this long to sign up. you can see my pinterest favorites here.

5. Smash book--- a great way to store all your "Junk". this is such a great idea and i can't believe no one has thought of it before. i want one soooo badly!!!!

enjoy the rest of your night!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

52 lists and weeks// week 4

First, I gotta share these cute Kate Spade items. I found them this week....tooooo stinkin' adorable.
Kate Spade short list;
Kate Spade long list

And this week's list:
My wish list.
Get creative with it and have fun with what you make. And don't forget to share those lovely lists here (by linking up) and on our flickr group!!!

Here's mine:


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 3

First off, I wanted to share with yall a link to listography (online version of Kerry Smith's books)....which is amazing!!! Here's my own.
Let me know if you make one too!!!

So now for this week's list....... (in honor of Father's Day):
"Things I learned from my dad"
If you don't have a father figure in your life, then make a list of what you learned from another parent figure in your life. I think it's important to remember what our parents/guardians have taught us and since my dad passed away 10 years ago, making a list like this also helps me to keep his memory alive, especially on a sad day like Father's Day.

Here's my list:

I asked Steven what his list was and I liked it so much I wanted to share it too:
-work ethic
-what I need to do to one day be a good dad
-how to play cards

So what's your list???

5.....ok 6 loves on monday

Happy Monday!!! I'm seriously in love with all my finds for today! All of them have really been inspiring me this week. Hopefully they'll do the same for you!!

1. martha stewart instructions on how to create a pretty embellished cookbook.

2. an awesome home style quiz.
what kind of cottage style are you??? i'm a bit country with some swedish mixed in.

3. these super sweet photos from a new blog favorite of mine and the adorable dressing table she's created.

4. these blazers from zara

5. beach house blog that inspires me in more ways than one.

6. this blog....30 days of doodles!!!


Friday, June 17, 2011

never judge a book by it's movie

I just finished reading this book:

And I am currently watching this:

(the Swedish movie with subtitles)

One June goal down (To finish reading The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest). I have to was awesome! I loved it just as much (if not more) than the other 2 in the series.
Now, I'm sitting in my living room watching the Swedish movie version of the book. And yea, I'm totally one of those annoying people that points out every difference from the book and the movie.....which is why I'm watching this one on my own. haha There are a lot of differences in the two, but surprisingly the movie was well done (even with it's changes) and I am really enjoying it.

Has anyone else read the book or watched the Swedish movies??
(By the way, I am totally excited for the English release this December!!!)

Back to my movie. :)


Thursday, June 16, 2011

1 year anniversary

It's still hard to imagine that we've been together for a year now...
He is by far one of the best things that's ever happened to me and is my best friend. (Next to you Leigh of course!!) :) hehe
So in "honor" of our one year here's a little video. And tomorrow tonight we'll be going back to the "scene of the crime", where we first met. :)

inspiration thursday (dream home exterior)

Lately I've been bored out of my mind, and unable to sleep. So, I've taken up trying to look up different styles for my "dream home". I want to redo my condo, but I'm not entirely sure how or what to do that matches what both the boy and I want. So for now.... I guess I'm just daydreaming of different things.
So, I figured why not share some of my eye candy with yall?
Enjoy :)


PS....if you have any home inspiration ideas or links, post em!!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

journal challenge (year 2)

This month, the awesome Janel has stared the second annual 30 day journal challenge. I'm so excited that she's hosting this again (especially since I actually have the time now to do them!)

Anywho, here are some of the first ones that I've done. :)
And don't forget to swing by her blog every morning to get the newest prompts!

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4 (I did 2 prompts for this day):

Day 5:

Day 6 I already kinda did already before this, so I skipped it.....

Day 7:

Day 8 I also kinda did on my own before this, so I also skipped it.

Day 9:

So there you have it Challenges 1-9 (roughly).
Don't forget to check them out on my flickr page too.


tuesday song love (empire state of mind)

If I could be anywhere would be in this awesome city......sigh....


Monday, June 13, 2011

5 loves on monday

It's Monday! You know what that means...the beginning of a new week AND a new batch of lovely things to make you smile and want to shop :) Here's to hoping yall have a good week full of inspiration and happy moments.

1. this adorable print from this etsy shop

2. this too funny mug, from this etsy shop

3. awesome diy projects, like the ones featured on this blog (example of a project: photo below)

4. this incredibly creative blog

5. this awesome pin of Henry VIII, found here


Sunday, June 12, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 2

Hi! I'm Brittni from With Love From Michigan. I'm so thrilled Kellie asked me share a list for her blog project. In 2007 I studied abroad at Oxford University in Oxford, England. It was an amazing life changing experience. If you get the chance to study abroad- GO! You won't regret it.


[ONE] The Brits are so polite compared to the typical American. As I was wandering lost with my suitcase, two people offered to help me. In America we'd probably rush by the confused tourist. I even had someone offer to carry my suitcase in the Underground.

[TWO] Chavs. Need I say more? Google it if you are uncertain. Hillarious.

Brasenose College, Oxford University

[THREE]We encountered a lot of eat-in taxes in the UK. Places like Starbucks will charge you a little extra to enjoy your beverage in the store. We were poor college kids so we just sat on the curb outside, instead.

[FOUR] Kebab Vans = delicious. These vans that sold Kebab sandwiches (your typical lamb euro type sandwich) pizza, and fries late at night. I could smell the food from my room. I caved. A lot.

[FIVE] They have maids. That's right. MAIDS. I bet all of the universities don't have this luxury, but I had my bed made, clothes folded and room cleaned every day. It was heavenly.

Broughton Castle Gardens

[SIX] Better Homes & Gardens has nothing on the English gardens. They really know their stuff.

[SEVEN] Likewise, they take their grass very seriously. At Brasenose you could only use the grass during certain hours of the day. Some areas, such as the one pictured above, were NEVER allowed to be used.

[EIGHT] They have delightful things that we don't have such as Prawn Cocktail chips and Mr. Juicy (pictured below). I can tell you that Mr. Juicy was certainly not "pure" orange juice! ;)

[NINE] Instead of saying "watch your step" they say "mind the gap" on the subway.

[TEN] British accents are the best. Hands down.


Thanks Kellie for having me post on your blog! :) xx, B

Thanks Brittni for the guest post!! I love, love, LOVE your list!!

So here's this week's list challenge.... What have YOU learned from a place you once visited? (Either another county or another state....or maybe even your own culture...)

The great thing about traveling (in my opinion) is seeing how others live, how their culture varies from ours, what foods are popular in their countries, what their daily outfits looks like, and how their sayings differ from ours. We can learn a lot from other cultures (or from even taking a closer look at our own).

PS. don't forget to check out the feature I did on Brittni's blog

EDIT: Link up here: