Sunday, October 16, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 20

List: Things that make me happy

Because sometimes I think I need to focus more on the positive in life (which I tend not to do....)

-God and His love
-old school music that we grew up with
-compassionate people
-sleeping in
-Beatles music
-sunny days
-kind words
-indie music
-finding new music/bands
-sweet treats (especially cupcakes)
-southern food
-slightly off color jokes
-love notes
-reading a good book
-time with family
- my stepdads made from scratch pierogies
-time with friends
-vacations away
-being outside
-time inside
-strawberry daiquiris
- starbucks fraps
-starbucks chai teas
-random acts of kindness (especially from strangers towards other strangers)
-movie candy and popcorn
-Shane Claiborne books
- Rob Bell books
-Donald Miller books
-going to the gym
-being pampered
-having chocolate brown hair
-having a day off
-hearing "i love you"
- hugs
-my mom's words because she always knows what to say
-aimless driving
-living in Florida
-my bestie, Leigh
-my awesome friends, near and far
-my amazing bf,Steven
- netflix-a-thons
- Fall
- homemade banana bread from my stepdad
- date nights
- my youngest niece trying to cuddle at 6am when I sleep over
- blogging
- finding new blogs
- crafting
- pinterest
- shopping online
-football sundays
- traveling
- the color orange
-the color pink
- the color yellow
- going to church
- salads
- Christmas
- Halloween
-holiday decorating
- seafood
- sweet potato casserole
-thousand island
- my car
- etsy
- dresses
- baking
- diys
-snail mail
-Toast catalogs
-my pup
- dogs
- hockey games
-going to my homes to visit (cause home is where my loved ones are)
- thanksgiving with family
- thanksgiving food



  1. I love you Kel!
    I started writing your letter but all I have so far is "Dear Kellie" lol

  2. wowsers! You have quite a list there! ;-) Now off to work on mine . . .

  3. this is an awesome list!!!
    Thanks for the inspiration always! :)


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