Monday, October 17, 2011

this past weekend

This weekend was an extremely filled one, but an overall awesome one!

Friday night I stayed at my school to help work our "Octoberfest". The decorations were seriously cute and it was so great to see some of my students and their parents. My sister and her kidos even joined for some games and chick-fil-a dinner!

Saturday Steven and I had a nice lunch date at Joe's, where I may or may not have stolen some things..... (Just kidding). The mason jar was allowed to come home with me!!

Then we headed home to finish cleaning for our new roommate, who moved in later that day.
That night, we had Mexican and cheap beer while we watched Auburn kick UF's butt (WOO WAR EAGLES!!)

Steven even sang karaoke.

And my entire Sunday was spent sleeping and catching up on Gossip Girl (which is now on instant on Netflix!!!!) Oh and of course watching Sunday night football!

How was your weekend spent?



1 comment:

  1. Oooh! I am so excited for all of the fall decor coming our way...look at all of those pumpkins!


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