Monday, November 14, 2011

5 loves on monday

Another Monday....they just keep happening....

At least I have a list of loves that keep me happy.
5 things I'm in love with this week... (are you ready??)

1. the twilight saga. i may be the last person to get into them, but i finally am up to date on the movies. and i'm contemplating reading the books too.....

2. and speaking of twilight, this pinterest find is amazing!

3. i'm also in love with this amazing giveaway. seriously, check it out!!

4. getting ready for thanksgiving... and by getting ready i mean looking up turkey/fall photos on pinterest and day dreaming about awesome food.

5. the funniest blog there might actually be.... and you must check out her turkey story (the title is about picking your battles).

Hope these help make your monday a great one!

1 comment:

  1. I highly recommend reading the books! I love the movies but the books are highly more interesting and a lot less cheesy. ;)


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