Sunday, November 13, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 24

After reading the latest post from one of my favorite blogs and after all of the "5 things about me" instagram posts going around I got a bit inspired for this week's list. So this week's list.......
5 things.
1. I'm finally up to date on the Twilight movies. Now I can't wait for this weekend!
2. I still have Halloween decorations up (thanks to laziness).
3. Today I got to see an old friend for lunch. She and I have known each other since we were 9.
4. I'm currently wearing penguin pj pants, which means I am in for the night.
5. This weekend I went to Cocoa Beach to meet some more of my boyfriend's family. I was extremely nervous too by the way (I'm always afraid of making a bad impression).

Well, there's my list. Now your turn....5 things (any kind of things...just list em out!).
(ps if you have instagram, you should add username is kelzify)


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