Monday, November 28, 2011

5 loves on monday

It's almost December and I am seriously so excited! I've been trying to avoid any kind of Christmas music, shopping, etc. until Thanksgiving was over. And now that it is.... Christmas is in full swing for me. So I figured...why not share some amazing holiday links??

1. This is an adorable december daily album. And I want to make one sooo badly!

2. Fred flare's A to Z shopping guide. Just perfect!

3. The most awesome looking craft class for the holidays (with an adorable trailer to boot). Seriously, you have to sign up for this class!

4. I saw this place (in real life, haha) and fell in love with everything there, so when I saw the online store, I fell even more in love.

5. The movie 30 Minutes or Less. (Okay, yes this is not a holiday movie, but I saw it twice recentlty and love it). So if you are in need of a non-holiday movie to watch, seriously, check this one out!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! I really was inspired by the daily album :)
    Have a nice day!


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