Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I'm a little sad my Thanksgiving weekend is over. It flew by, as it always does. But there are so many memories I want to cherish from this weekend home to Pensacola.

21 people for Thanksgiving dinner

7 of them being kids

5 variations of sweet potatoes and yams

6 hours of Christmas music home

12 hours of driving to and from

1 new generation to our family

3 nights of bloody marys and daiquiris

1 day of black friday [afternoon] shopping

5 days of endless laughing until you cry moments

2 hours at McGuire's (one of the best Pensacola restaurants)

1 amazing weekend

9 awesome instagram photos to share

one happy kellie

ps you can find more on my instagram account, look me up: kelzify

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