Monday, December 5, 2011

5 loves on monday

Welcome back Monday. While I may not be your biggest fan, today I won't mind you as much because you bring Monday night football to my hometown (yup- the Jags have a game tonight and I will be there)!
I also have so many awesome things to here are 5 things I am absolutely loving right now.

1. this awesome site. where history meets facebook. Steven and I laughed so hard we cried.
and here's a quick blurb of what the site holds in store for those of you needing a laugh....

2. these amazing cake pops that i'm sure taste just as wonderful as they look (from on of my favorite blogs).

3. and speaking of cake awesome is this? i found it on pinterest!

4. this amazing holiday drink recipe

5. this crazy awesome site. if you're bored, you'll love it. just try it.

Happy Monday!!!

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