Tuesday, December 6, 2011

advent days 5&6

The newest advent additions to our week:

Advent Day 5: Put Christmas sheets on the bed.
(still need to do, but I will tomorrow)
This one might sound silly, but my mom got me these sheets/comforter awhile ago and they are just so cute. And since my Christmas decorations really only have a home in the common areas, it's a good way to include the bedroom into the holiday decor.

Advent Day 6: Listen to lots of Christmas music.
(done a lot by me (at least))

This Christmas I've been enjoying listening to Christmas music quite frequently. We play it at work, I keep the music station on in my car (or play Christmas music), and I even made some playlists.

So I made a little playlist of some of my absolute favorite Christmas songs. Just in case you needed some tunes to get you in the holiday mood! Enjoy.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones
love, love,

see more here:
advent day 4
advent day 3
advent day 2
advent day 1

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love that Mariah Carey song... but I love the Love Actually version by the little girl too! :)


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