Thursday, December 8, 2011

getting to know you

Every once and awhile I change my blog posts to be about you instead of me. Sometimes I feel like the blogworld can be a bit impersonal. So to avoid this happening, I try to every once in a while put out a little questionnaire. I figure it's not only a good way to get to know those of you that stop by my blog, but I also am in love with questions and lists (in case you haven't noticed).
So whether you are stopping by here for the first time, or you've been a follower for awhile, if you have a minute, please answer my little survey/questionnaire. (And a big thank you in advance!!)

Questions about YOU:
-What state/country do you live in?
-What's your favorite thing about winter?
-What's one thing you absolutely must do before you die? (think bucket list)
-What's your faovite holiday food?
-What's your favorite thing about this blog?
-What's your least favorite thing about this blog? (be honest!)

Thanks everyone!! And stay tuned....I'm thinking about having a holiday giveaway very soon!!



  1. Hey! Fun little survey...
    -go back to Italy
    -traditional Christmas cookies
    -that I found a fellow list-lover
    -not about the blog per se, but that there aren't more folks keeping up with the 52 lists project

  2. -Virginia
    - Am I allowed to say I'm not very fond of winter?
    - I really hope to get married before I die.
    -Anything sweet
    -I admire your dedication/consistant posts
    -There is honestly nothing that I don't like about your blog.

  3. -Live in Northern West Virgina, work in Pennsylvania. (I like right around the part of Maryland that's really really really skinny and interstate 81 goes through, so a 15 minute drive north from my house I'm in Maryland, another 15 I'm in Pennsylvania)
    -Go to Scotland/Ireland!
    -Right now... your Advent Days!
    -I read too many blogs to really remember if I dislike something from each one specifically... I'll just say... if there was something I really disliked or found your blog boring on a daily basis, I would stop following your blog hahaha.

    Follow me back if you want! (I'll try not to be too boring lol)

  4. -Minneapolis, Minnesota
    -Snow? Is there really such a good thing? Kidding. I guess how pretty it is.
    - Travel to Greece. I'm 28 and have always wanted to go.
    - Mashed Potatoes & Gravy. Don't judge. I am from the midwest. ;)
    - I like a lot of things about your blog, that's why I follow you. I too love lists and I love all the different things you do on here.
    - I honestly can't think of anything I don't like. As Katy said above, anything I didn't like I would not follow your blog.

    I found your blog through a super great life long friend of mine who does your 52 lists. Checked it out and never looked back.

  5. * I live in Greece!
    * My favourite thing about winter is wearing woolen hat and scarves all the time.
    * I absolute must travel to New York. Yes, I do. Just after I get married. (two wishes in one!)
    * My favourite holiday food is pork fillet with prunes.
    * I love that you are honest!
    * nothing!

  6. What state/country do you live in? Oregon
    -What's your favorite thing about winter?
    warm drinks and cozy blankets
    -What's one thing you absolutely must do before you die? (think bucket list)
    viist italy!
    -What's your faovite holiday food? peppermint bark!
    -What's your favorite thing about this blog?
    you're sweet, its simple and you have so many linkups and projects
    -What's your least favorite thing about this blog? (be honest!)
    my keeping up with said link ups and projects!

  7. --I'm from Missouri
    --I LOVE winter! My birthday, the snow, Christmas lights, baking cookies for work - I love it all!
    --Before I die, I really want to work for Doctors Without Borders after I become a nurse
    --My mom's homemade stuffing. I don't eat mashed potatoes or pie just so I can eat more stuffing!
    --I love the lists and the crafty inspiration!
    --I like pretty much everything. I don't have a blog, but there are some that I check frequently. This is one!

  8. // Jacksonville, FL ;)
    // Hot chocolate! Boots! Sweater dresses! Tights! All together!
    // Visit Italy. Must.
    // Anything peppermint. I know you can have peppermint all year long, but it seems better suited for Christmas time.
    // Your links! Always something new to look at.
    // Lots of great links, not enough words from you. You're a great writer. :)

  9. -What state/country do you live in? - New Jersey but my heart belongs in NYC.
    -What's your favorite thing about winter? -- Hot chocolate, warm scarves, mittens, sweaters, cuddling under blankets...
    -What's one thing you absolutely must do before you die? (think bucket list) -- Visit every state in the United States of America.
    -What's your faovite holiday food? -- Gingerbread!
    -What's your favorite thing about this blog? -- Your positive outlook on things.
    -What's your least favorite thing about this blog? (be honest!) -- That I do not get to visit as much as I would like.



Your comments brighten my day. And I promise, while I may not respond to every one of them, I read every single on of them.
Thanks for stopping by. :)