Wednesday, March 14, 2012

24 before 25 (goal 4...done)

Last year when I turned 24 I made my annual goal list (24 before 25).

#4 was to finish my k & s book that documented mine and Steven's first year together.

Today I finally finished it.

Thanks to a day off and some awesome mix cds from friends and bloggers that kept me motivated. 9

Here are some (bad) iphone photos of the finished thing.
(I really need to get my good camera back out to document more......)

I can't believe in a few short months we will be celebrating 2 years. Time flies.....


  1. Aww it looks like such a cute book! Congrats on almost 2 years and on finishing this book! :)

  2. This is so adorable! My boyfriend and I have been working on our scrapbook, too. Congratulations on two years.

    Amanda Rose


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